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Mint Hibiscus Tea


The Meditation: Coming Soon

The Tea: A hydrating and soothing tea to enjoy all year long. It helps with digestion and is loaded with Vitamin C. Serve it iced at summer BBQs and in children's lunches, or dink it hot as an after-dinner treat or to help recover from a cold.

100% Organic Ingredients: Peppermint, Hibiscus

Directions for Iced: Steep 1/4 cup of tea in 4L of boiled water. Add honey to taste, let sit for at least 20 minutes or overnight. Strain, add ice and enjoy!

Directions for Hot Tea: Use 1 tsp to 1 tbsp per cup of almost boiling water. Sweeten to taste (honey is best). Stir, steep covered for 5-10 minutes.

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