A Network of

Trusted Friends

Healing takes a village. And here, my friends and I have created that village for you. A group of dedicated, trusted, wellness experts and healing practitioners to support you in all areas of your wellness journey.

Laura Newbigging

Coach & Death Doula

Laura serves south Vancouver Island as a Death Doula and online as a coach.

Laura coaches her clients to consider all possibilities and make value-centered decisions as they navigate life and death.

Get her free gift,
Practices for Nervous System Regulation


Yoga & Meditation Instructor

Terry-Lynn helps people access their calm, sleep better, get unstuck, and handle anxious thoughts through group yoga/meditation classes.

She also work one-to-one with folks who are experiencing issues that are not usually addressed in a group setting. Creating intentional and actionable steps to help people move forward in an easeful way to create the beautiful life they were meant to live is her JAM.

Visit her on Denman Island and in the Comox Valley

Jen Reis

Massage by Foot Pressure

Soul Sole, on Quadra Island, specializes in the technique of massage called ‘Chavutti Thirumal’ which translates to ‘massage by foot pressure’ from the local language of Malayalam. Developed in South India more than 2,000 years ago.

The practitioner uses a rope suspended above for balance and for even weight distribution, as the massage is delivered solely by foot pressure. This allows for deep tension release and an evenly applied pressure to the whole body using long sweeping massage strokes from head to toe.

Ellen Cutcliffe

Registered Massage Therapy, Wellness Coaching & Reiki

"Fika" is a Swedish concept that encapsulates the art of taking a break, enjoying a moment of connection, and savoring life's simple pleasures. It's a philosophy we've woven into the fabric of our practices, inviting you to pause, recharge, and embark on a journey of holistic well-being.

Located in Victoria, Fika Wellness, helps individuals balance their lives and prioritize their well-being by providing education and services that

help clients reach their goals of a healthier, happier life with confidence and ease.

The Samara Circle

Body Work

The body wants to heal, and it will when it’s given the space to be heard, to rest, and to recalibrate.

There is no one formula for self-care. There is no one prescription for healing. But there are many paths to comfort, balance and even yes, vitality!

It is possible to live without pain and it starts with listening to what your body has to say.

With our support, we can help you learn how to reconnect to the natural state of harmony through movement, meditation, massage, breath & PEMF

Located on Quadra Island.

Lou Piché

Thai Massage

Lou is a Holistic Health & Nutrition Consultant and Traditional Thai Massage Practitioner based in Campbell River.

Her goal is to empower and guide you through nutrition, lifestyle changes, movement and bodywork to take control of your health, hear the whisper within, and find trust in your body's capability of healing naturally.

She says, "If we listen closely, there is a quiet voice from within speaking our truest truths that reminds us that we are not our labelled conditions. We are not our aches, our pains, our fatigue, our allergies, our symptoms. For so many of us, we are simply disconnected from our bodies and our hearts, and are feeling the results of imbalance."

Sarah Sopracolle

Vibrational Gardener

Intuitive Sound Healer

“I tend to the earth, prepare the grounds and plant seeds on both the ethereal and physical planes. I
am a channel and co-creator of Sacred Sound intended for human consciousness awakening.

I allow my voice to be guided to what is needed in order to assist with the setting and manifestation of your intentions, for the greatest good of ALL beings.

I accompany my voice with singing bowls, shamanic drumming and a variety of other sound medicine instruments to create powerful and transformative experiences.”

Sound Seed Yoga’s Studio on Quadra Island also offers yoga, meditation and retreats. It is a place to share, to come together and to go within. It’s a space of relaxation and remembering who we really are.

Lena Watt

Yoga, meditation and Ayurveda

I am a Yogi, Moon Goddess and Kitchen Witch at heart. I move cyclically and connect deeply to the Earth and the seasons within me and around me. I honor the moon and live by her magic, wisdom and light. I am a Yoga Therapist, Somatic Movement Guide, Reiki Healer, Energy Worker, Circle Guide, Retreat Leader, Ayurvedic Wellness Coach, Writer, Intuitive and a lifelong learner.

I hold space for people to come back to themselves, their heart, their centre, their inner wisdom and inner compass. To feel empowered with their bodies, restore trust and remember that we are ALL our own best healer. My main priority is to provide a safe and supportive space for people to feel seen and heard, where they can soften into their authentic self, surrendering into the realms of love and healing. I work primarily with women, teaching ancient wisdom through practical, embodied practices in our modern world. Hoping to help unveil the innate knowing that we are all ENOUGH, we are all WHOLE and COMPLETE exactly as we are, we are all ONE, we are all LOVE.

Danae Jensen, RCT

Your Soulful Healing Guide

[email protected]

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